“Tact of Teaching”s – meaning pedagogical thoughtfulness – are an invitation for teachers to find a point of contact for teaching together. Finding their individual teaching inquires and follow that together with their colleagues’. Assuming that practical knowing-in-action requires pedagogical sensitivity, vigilance, and tact we hope to challenge and inspire the teachers as well as the participants of these sessions.
We reserved time slots for the laboratories to be proposed by the participants. In the labs you have the possibility to bring in or try out your own interests with the people sharing similar interests.
You can get one one2one session with one of the teachers for ~15 min. You come with your question, interest, wish for feedback. You can work 1 on 1, come with a friend or small group.
Kitchen Table is a setting for an open discussion about any topic (in this case in and around CI), but with a rule set to create a performance out of the ordinary. During a set time anyone interested can witness and/or participate in the discussion. The topics are open and the exchange of speakers is actively encouraged.
Intensive: "Alexander Technique into CI : Suspending in Action"
“In the last few years, I have been fascinated by the techniques we deploy to voluntarily learn new gestures. In Alexander Techniques, some argue that the muscles’ primary function is to maintain our integrity and security as upright critters against the instabilities and forces that disturb our equilibrium. The ability of the muscles to engage in movement would only come second—once we have “managed” to attain uprightness. Equilibration serves as the background (the shadow) of our gestures. It is on this ground that our voluntary movements are built: lifting one’s arm, catching, lifting, exchanging, throwing, jumping—and being able to do all this without falling.
Of course, this process is only made possible in the interaction with others and the environment within which we are woven, and through the permanent predictions we make concerning the effects of our gestures. This allows us to fine-tune our postural engagement when we lift an apple, a water bottle, or another human body. It is thanks to these anticipations that we do not fall each time we catch a weight.
A substantial part of Alexander Technique consists in developing a quality of attention that allows to maintain as close as possible to this continual adjusting in order to support the expressive potential of movement.
In Contact Improvisation, we co-fall with our partners, and play with our vertigos. Within this shared territory, we momentarily suspend individual and egocentered predictions to allow for the emergence of common gestures.
Can we enlarge this shared territory?
Can we teach ourselves to suspend our predictions concerning the effects of our gestures?
Can we inhabit a space of collective potential as a ground for new movements?
Can the quality of my relation to my environment influence and favor the necessary adaptation to the forces that be?
Can we practice what Alexander Techniques calls the “letting go”, not so much as an intentional activity, but as a capacity to hold the space open for indecision?”